Salam A'laik.
Post kali ni bukan utk mem'promote' diri sendiri ke hape. Aku tak desperate hokayy ;P
Just I would to share 5 characters of man that I admire (I want him!)
1) Tinggi / High
2) Beriman kepada Allah / Religious (Islam)
- solat 5 waktu kat Masjid
- boleh bimbing aku ke Siratul Mustaqim
3) Tak merokok / Non-smoker
4) Tak panas baran / Low-tempered
5) 3 years to 5 years older than me *
( * ) : still can consider hewhewhew
If you think u're not fulfill all the character that I want it, please, GET LOST! I will totally reject! Seriously~
p.s anda gemuk? anda hitam? tak kisah punnn :D